Navigating Job Search Depression: Unseen Challenges and Sustainable Strategies


So turn to them when you need to talk things out before an interview or cry about a hard-hitting rejection and when you want to have dinner and forget all about jobs. Job-search depression sets in and, if left unattended, can lead to negative consequences. Take care of your physical and emotional health, seek social support and focus on what you can control. Summon up the strength to get up when knocked down, brush yourself off and forge ahead, knowing there will still be headwinds.

  • Moreover, keeping a routine is essential when dealing with job search depression.
  • Feeling hopeless about your job search can go beyond your career planning.
  • Embracing unemployment as an opportunity for personal growth is essential.
  • Working with a coach early on in a job search could save you a lot of anxiety in the long run.
  • The only problem is you can be stuck with this situation for much longer than a break-up.
  • Having a pattern helps reduce stress as you plan for your day.

Consult with a career coach, mentor, résumé writer and recruiter to get their respective opinions. Ask them for their honest evaluation, constructive criticism and feedback. Process what they have to say and put into action the noted alterations. depression and job search You are not alone, as nearly everyone has gone through what you’re dealing with. Even the most successful people still deal with bouts of doubt and losing streaks. Beyond your personal relationships, reach out to a career coach or therapist.

Inappropriate Hiring Practices

Despite her experience and skills, she faced several months of unsuccessful job hunting, leading to feelings of despair and worthlessness. Similarly, a recent graduate, Mark, struggled with the pressure to land a job in a competitive market, resulting in anxiety and depression. While I was seeking employment, I sometimes felt as though I was riding an emotional rollercoaster that overwhelmed me. I committed myself to setting specific times for my job search activities, taking breaks, and avoiding overthinking rejections as much as possible. Additionally, I sought feedback and connected with other job seekers for mutual support so we would know we were not alone and learn from one another. Stage 4 – Search for a Job
We’ll never get tired of repeating – organize your job search process!

overcoming job search depression

You might feel discouraged when things don’t progress in the job search. But taking a step and reassessing the situation can help de-personalize the situation. The job market is always competitive, but the global coronavirus pandemic has made finding jobs even more difficult for some people. We will feel the economic impact of COVID-19 for years to come. You might not feel like you’ll be in a position to have options to decline an offer that isn’t the perfect fit for you. Remember that even if you’re doing the right things, finding a job can be a struggle.

Pandemic You and Job Search Depression: Be Aware

Understatement of soft skills
Ignoring soft skills in a CV might lead to missed opportunities. Lack of Focus
Sending the same CV and cover letter to different companies is not the most effective strategy. Adapt your CV for every position you apply for, focusing on the particular aspects of the job description.

  • 53% say they’ve felt like they lost a piece of their identity during the job hunt process.
  • Make a list of job postings you’re applying for, with information like interview dates, contact details, and interview questions you’d like to ask.